Friday, February 29, 2008

Speaking of Mexico, I Found These Ten Tips For Travel Photography

Here are the quick bullet points from a really good piece by Andrew Gibson over at JPG Magazine. 1 - Go somewhere amazing - like Mexico. 2 - Go somewhere ordinary - like your home town, maybe. 3 - Shoot the people, especially if you're somewhere exotic. 4 - Don't shoot the people, especially if you or they are uncomfortable. 5 - Take photos of the kids - most of them will "ham it up" for you. 6 - Research, research, research - hit the Internet before you go and see what's cool to see after you get there. 7 - Search for magical light and I don't mean between 10a.m. - 5 p.m. It really gets pretty before 8 - 8a.m. and after 6 p.m. 9 - Be alert for opportunity - maybe you can buddy up with a fellow traveler. 10 - Look for inspiration sunsets, sunrises, close ups, colors, shapes, etc. 11 - Never be satisfied - you always want to do do better. Here is the complete article right here. It's a nice read.

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